
United Kingdom National Lottery International Lottery Programs

UK National Lottery Scams: UK LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION PROGRAM Sample Email Scams Involving the British National Lottery UK LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION PROGRAM ' Mrs. Windows 2000 Oem Iso here. Tina Stone, Mr. Brad Naysmith and Mr Smith Sand, ' fudiciary agent' How to Recognize Them and What To Do If You Receive One It's a pity 'Mrs.

Tina Stone' can't spell or use a simple spell-checker. 'Her' scam from 'UK Online Lottery Result Headquarters' would be more believable. Especially since they're located in the 'Earthpink Towers, Inc.'

United Kingdom National Lottery International Lottery Programs

The National Lottery Complaint Review: The National Lottery ripoff Liverpool United Kingdom Internet.

The National Lottery

And it's hard to understand how a building becomes incorporated, and somehow we think they meant 'Earthlink' not 'Earthpink'. The scammers are counting on a combination of greed and stupidity on the part of the victims. Of course, there are only two legal lotteries in Britain, and, anyway, and they do NOT use email to notify winners.

Below is a scam email actually received. DO NOT reply to any emails you receive that claim you have won a lottery that you did not enter. They are frauds. You will lose your money. There is no 'free lunch'; don't be foolish and believe a scam! We can not say it any more plainly: YOU WILL NOT BE NOTIFIED BY EMAIL BY ANY LEGITIMATE LOTTERY THAT YOU WON A PRIZE.

If you do receive such an email, it IS a fraud, do not reply to it! If you DID reply to one, For your education and entertainment, we have highlighted some of the obvious clues that this is a scam; such as random capitalization, the use of a free Yahoo email account and the omnipresent claim that your 'email address attached to ticket. Bridge Bloxx Pc. ' Was the key to winning. As if email addresses are used to hand out money.