Stata 9.0 Software
- Posted in:Admin
- 27/02/18
- 18
I agree with 'Statistics Specialist'; however, you can get a evaluation copy of Stata from StataCorp if you were interested in trying the software out. Stata is a complete, integrated statistical software package that provides everything you need for data analysis, data management, and graphics. Stata is not sold in. Civilization 3 Complete Edition No Cd Crack.
• Explore the distribution of a sample with descriptive statistics, histograms, box-whisker plots, then test hypotheses, test normality. • Compare samples visually with box-plots, test location/dispersion with tests like ANOVA, then examine differences with multiple comparisons like Hsu, Scheffe, Steel, Dunnet. • Multivariate analysis including correlation, scatter plot matrix, and Principal Components Analysis (PCA) & Factor Analysis (FA) to reduce dimensionality.
• Fit simple and advanced linear and logistic regression models, with extensive fit diagnostics, leverage plots, outlier and influence plot, and the ability to predict future observations. • Trusted by over 35,000 customers in more than 105 countries around the world, and cited in 1000's of peer-reviewed articles.