
Nurse Mental Health Program

Program gives primary care nurse practitioners the knowledge and skills to evaluate and treat mental health needs from inpatient hospital to outpatient primary care.

Best Nurse Practitioner Mental Health Program

• Open access to many CARF policies and procedures consistent with meeting the CARF accreditation standards. This includes • Annual review of the • Online anonymous and response tool. • Online response and summarization tools. • Online • Online • Online • to assist in meeting the initial and ongoing training requirements for Behavioral Health and Opioid Treatment Standards.

• Ability to upload policies (Code of Conduct, Rights of Persons Served, etc.) and have them reviewed online by staff as needed. • Online entry, maintenance and review of and ability to generate a report to simplify meeting the CARF standards regarding • Online client and personnel. We were beginning our CARF accreditation process and did not have the infrastructure in place that Accreditation Now provided. Accreditation Now gives us the ability to track trainings, complaints, surveys, etc.

Followliker Instagram.. To develop spreadsheets and maintain them would have taken and continued to take a lot of work hours. The data we pull from Accreditation Now is appreciated by all of our surveyors. [We would] absolutely [recommend Accreditation Now to others] and we have. John Nosacka, LCSW, MSHCM Capital Area Human Services District — Baton Rouge, LA. We chose Accreditation Now as an aid for accreditation as a mechanism to aid in quality control and a quick way to orient new staff in the required domains of CARF standards. The program allows for documentation and comparative performance over time and provides a timely reminder of performance aspects related to CARF but more importantly to ensure quality services to clients. [We have experienced] more timely paperwork, quality assurance, and over time our ability to tune our services and be more aware of client parent and feedback form referrals.

Accreditation Now represents an investment and (relative to the cost) is a very worthwhile investment for smaller agencies in particular. Their staff is personable, helpful and approachable and turnaround for assistance is very reasonable. Robert Kissner Focus Foundation of BC — White Rock, British Columbia Canada. When I was asked to write about my experience with Accreditation Now, I immediately said yes! Accreditation Now has designed software that has made my business run more smoothly, increase revenue, improve productivity, and gain efficiency. It has tremendously changed the way I am able to provide Behavioral Health Services. As a current CARF Surveyor and CARF Accredited business owner, I utilize the updates, resources, training, and software system to support the daily needs of my staff and clients.