
How To Export Crystal Report In Pdf Format In C#

C# Crystal Report In PdfHow To Export Crystal Report In Pdf Format In C#

This article discusses how to export Crystal Report on button click into PDF, Excel, Word, HTML, RTF in ASP.NET C#. Are going to Export crystal report in PDF format. Using server.How to export a Crystal Reports to a PDF file format in C. DiskFileName Hi, i would like to export.rpt files to pdf, txt, excel etc using vb 6. In VB 6 i have use the crystal report viewer 9 to open the crystal report.

How to Export Crystal Report Crystal Report can be exported in two ways • Using Crystal Viewer Control. Halloween Spider Craft Template. • Using the method provided in Report Document Object (SDK). Crystal Report Viewer Control Crystal Report Viewer control is a. Wms 7 1 Keygen Torrent. NET control. You can add it to your windows form or to web form so that you can display the report to the user.

You can add this control to the form by dragging it from the toolbox. Crystal Report viewer control displays the report to the user at runtime. It has the option to print, search, browse through the pages of the report. It has also had the option to export the report. This Option found at the top left corner of the Report To Export to The Report do the following Export Crystal Report Using Web Application Export Crystal Report in Web application • Run your Crystal Report Project. • Select the Export Report button at the top Left Corner. • From the File Format Drop drown select appropriate format.

• From Page Range Option Select All Pages If you want print selected pages choose Select Pages and enter the from and to page No. Note that some of the file formats has this feature disabled • Click on Export. • File is downloaded.

Export Crystal Report Using Windows Application Export Crystal Report in Windows Application • Run your Crystal Report Project • Select the Export Report button at the top Left Corner • From the Save as Drop drown select appropriate format • Note that Page Range option is not provided in the windows version of Crystal Report Viewer Control • In File Name Option enter the name of the file • Click on Save Export Crystal Report Using Report Document (SDK) Another way to Export crystal report is using the Methods provided in Report Document object. This option gives us the most flexibility when comes to exporting the report. All the methods are available in the Namespace which is contained in the assembly (dll) CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.dll Here is the list of Methods available in the SDK. This function has four parameters.

FormatType (Options in the second variant),respone,asAttachment,attachmentName formatType The format type to export the report. FormatType could be PDF, Excel etc. This parameter is explained later in the tutorial options The export options of the report. Response The http response object of the page. AsAttachment Indicates whether or not the report will be exported as an attachment of the response.

AttachmentName The file name to export the report. ExportToStream The report is sent to the stream. Sparkocam Portable. This function returns the stream object.

Parameters Explained formatType Crystal Report supports following Export Format Types.

You can export a Crystal Report to various formats using CrystalReportViewer's Export option. However, there are occasions when you want your users to see the report direct in PDF format in the browser as soon they click the Report button in your application. The ReportDocument class provides Export methods to export a report to various formats including PDF, Excel, Word, and HTML. The following steps will guide you to achieve the same: • Add crystal report (.cr) file to your ASP.NET application.

• Add a report instance on the page level. Dim report As MyReport = New MyReport • Populate reports data on Page_Init ' Get data in a DataSet or DataTable Dim ds As DataSet = GetData() ' Fill report with the data report.SetDataSource(ds) • Export Report report.ExportToHttpResponse(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, Response, False, 'ExportedReport') If you wish to format report to other formats, just change the ExportFormatType enumeration value to your desired format. If you wish to download the report, then you simply change the third parameter of ExportToHttpResponse method in Step 4 to True. The following code shows how to export a report to other formats including Word and Excel.