
Ham Iv Rotator Manual

Ham Iv Rotator Manual

The rotator unit must be wired to the control unit with an 8-wire cable. The control unit must be placed inside the house or other protected lo ca ti on. I nc lu de d i n t he sh i in bo x a re: A. Instruction Manual B. Rotator Unit C. Controller Unit New features in the HAM IV include an 8 pin Cinch connector on the rear panel of the control, a chassis ground connection on the 110 VAC model, and a locking CinchTM connector at the rotor unit. CAUTION When using the lower mast support, antenna size is restricted to 7.5 square feet of wind surface area.

HAM-IV is the most popular rotator in the world! It’s solidly constructed, has been time-tested and proven for over twenty years. HAM-IV is for medium. The New Hy-Gain HAM-VII Rotator and Digital Controller Combos include the These new combos are the digital version of the HAM-IV, so they're just right for the Enjoy. Hy-Gain HAM-IV Rotator and Controller Combo Kits are the most popular rotator combos in the world! They are designed for medium-communication arrays with up to a 15.

CAUTIONS Install properly and safely Towers, often the highest metal parts tin the vicinity, require caution during erection and placement. Extreme care must be taken during erection so that metal towers and beams do not contact power lines even if the beams slip or rotate, towers fall or fracture or metal wires blow in the wind, etc. Metal towers or other position mechanisms must be placed so that if they fracture or blow over in high winds, they cannot contact power lines, be a hazard to individuals, or endanger property. I n p u t V o l t a g e 1 2 0 V A C 5 0 / 6 0 H z O p t i o n a l 2 2 0 V A C 5 0 / 6 0 H z M o t o r 2 4 V A C 2.

2 5 A m p, c a p a c i t o r s t a r t, c a p a c i t o r r u n B r a k e S o l e n o i d 2 4 V A C, 5. • Met al t ower s mu st b e gro unde d pro per ly at the tow er l ocat ion bef ore t he to wer is erected. This is to minimize electrical hazard and the possibility of lightning damage. How To Program Wayne Dalton Garage Keypad. DO NOT bury bare aluminum wires or stakes in the ground. Use copper ground stakes. The service entrance ground should be checked. Wie Leider Anwendung Installer Nicht Mehr Reparieren on this page.

The household convenience outlet should be the 3-prong type (grounded back to the ser vic e ent ran ce. • The C ont rol Box i s no t we ath erp roo f and mus t be l ocat ed i n th e hou se, h am shack or other protected location. • Rea d t hi s m anu al co mp le te ly be fo re pr oce ed in g. Wd 5000bev External Usb Device Driver on this page. The HAM IV rotator has been carefully designed and manufactured to give many years of trouble-free service when carefully and professionally installed.