
Corporate Fitness Program Proposals

Corporate Fitness Program Proposals

5 hallmarks of successful corporate wellness programs. Three—to everybody’s benefit—with a corporate wellness program. Exchanges; fitness. I love LaRue's answer. I take it one step back. If you are writing a proposal you need to know what the company wants and needs. Corporate wellness programs have many. Corporate Wellness Proposal. Supplier of fitness and wellness equipment for the reality television show. Program: Corporate Wellness Benefits for the Employer.

Corporate Proposal Sample

Free Manual Do Ar Condicionado Consul Air Master 7500 Programs there. You don't mention it here, but where are you in the 'discussions' with these companies that are interested in corporate wellness? If you are only in the 'interest' phase of discussions with a company considering corporate wellness, you may consider preparing a 'proposal' instead of a contract.

I find that a proposal is a lot less formal than the contract, will serve to explain things in plain-English, and can later serve as the basis for your contract. By giving them a proposal instead of a contract initially, this also allows the client to open a dialogue with you about exactly what their needs are and the services that you can provide to meet those needs BEFORE you get into the formality of a contract.

By doing that, the contract (if it truly reflects your discussions and your agreed upon proposal) should be a piece of cake. I hope that this helps, and good luck!

I love LaRue's answer. I take it one step back. If you are writing a proposal you need to know what the company wants and needs. Corporate wellness programs have many dimensions.

Your services may have many dimensions. If you write a proposal and it is way out of the park, you will may not have a second chance.

Question them around their needs, what a program looks like to them, what they hope to achieve, how they intend to support it internally (financially and emotionally) etc. The more information you have upfront the more powerful your proposal, because it will hit home.

As the business world becomes more aware of the significant positive correlation between employee health and employee productivity, corporate wellness programs will become a standard. Fortunately for you as a fitness professional, the human resources department of most corporations are ill-equipped to make educated decisions on fitness equipment, exercise classes, employee exercise tracking, and exercise program adherence. This is where you come in. Your first task, before approaching a corporation to offer your services, is to gather data that provides convincing evidence for the efficacy of a corporate wellness program. This job is easy, because most CEO’s have read it in the paper, most HR directors have seen the research, and most employees know that basically, “exercise is good”.