220 Kv Substation Design Pdf
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- 17/03/18
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The substation in Sarusajai, Guwahati-781034, Assam was completed by the year 1986 under AEGCL; it is one of the largest power grids in the state of Assam and the north eastern India. This substation has the capacity of 220kv and can step down to 132kv using three input lines through the incoming feeders.
The input feeders are namely: AGIA- i; AGIA-ii; LONGPI- i; LONGPI- ii; SAMUGURI-i; SAMUGURI- ii. All these feeders come into the substation with 220kv.
220/132 kV Substation as per Annexure -1. SUBSTATION DESIGN CIRCLE-I, 13 TH FLOOR. 220/132 KV new substation Sikandra Rao. Design Analysis of 220/132 KV Substation Using ETAP. Key Words: ETAP, Design analysis using ETAP. SIMULATION OF 220 kV SUBSTATION IN ETAP. Hi this is a project on a 220 kV Grid substation in Sarusajai. Documents Similar To Project on Substation 220kv 132kv. Download Rocky Bullwinkle Rapidshare there. Basic of 400KV Substation Design.
The substation has another substation under it. The capac ity of this is 132kv/33kv. This substation was completed by the year 1997 under AEGCL. The purpose of this station was to step down the 132kv to direct distribution to the 33kv/11kv substations in six different areas of the state. The substation of 132kv/33kv has six outgoing feeders, namely: JWAHAR NAGAR, GARBHANGA, MIRZA, PALTAN BAZAR, and Kahilipara STATION. These out going feeders are of 33kv line. The most important of any substation is the grounding of the instruments, transformers etc.
Used in the substation. For grounding of the substation a metallic square or some poly shaped metal boxes are placed in the ground. These ground the extra high voltage to the ground. As it is dangerous to us to go near the instrument without proper earth.
If the instruments are not ground properly they may give a huge shock to anyone who would stay near it and also it is dangerous for the costly instrument as they may get damaged by this high voltage. E HV S U B STATION EHV Sub-Station forms an important link between Transmission network and Distribution network. It has a vital influence of reliability of service. Apart from ensuring efficient transmission and Distribution of power, the sub-station configuration should be such that it enables easy maintenance of equipment and minimum interruptions in power supply.
Flexibility for future expan sion in terms of number of circuits and transformer MV A Capacity also needs to be considered while choosing the actual configuration of the sub-station. EHV Sub-Station is constructed as near as possible to the load center. The voltage level of power transmission is decided on the quantum of power to be transmitted to the load center. Generally, the r elation between EHV V oltage level and the power to be transmitted is as follows: S.NO. POWER TO BE TRANSMITTED VOL T AGE LEVEL 1) Upto 150 MVA 132 KV. 2) From 150 MVA to 300 MVA 220 K.V. 3) 300 MVA to 1000 MVA 400 K.V.
Main points to be considered while selecting the site for EHV Sub-Station are as follows: i) Th e s it e c ho se n s ho ul d b e a s n ea r t o t he lo ad ce nt er as po ss ib le. Ii ) It s ho ul d be e as il y ap pro ac hab le b y ro ad o r rai l fo r tr an spo rt at io n of e qui pm ent s. Ii i) La nd s hou ld be f ai rly le ve le d t o m ini mi ze dev el opm en t c ost. Iv) Sour ce o f wa ter shou ld b e as near to t he s ite as p ossi ble. Th is i s be caus e wa ter is r equ ire d for various construction activities; (especially civil works,), earthing and for drinking purposes etc. V) Th e su b-s ta ti on s it e sh ou ld b e as n ea r to th e to wn / ci ty but sh ou ld b e cl ea r of p ub li c places, aerodromes, and Military / police installations. Vi) The lan d sh oul d be have suf fic ien t g roun d ar ea t o ac comm odat e su bst ati on e qui pme nts, buildings, staff quarters, space for storage of material, such as store yards and store sheds etc.
With roads and space for future expansion. Vii ) Set back dis tan ces f rom vari ous r oads such as Na tio nal H igh way s, St ate H igh ways should be observed as per the regulations in force. Vii i) Whi le sel ect ing th e land fo r the sub sta tio n prefe ren ce to be gi ven to th e Govt. Land ov er private land.
Ix ) Th e l an d s ho ul d n ot ha ve wa te r l og gi ng pr ob le m. X) Th e s it e s ho ul d p er mi t e asy and sa fe ap pro ac h t o o ut le ts fo r E HV li nes. After the selection of site of the proposed EHV Substation and finalization of the area required, proceedings for acquisition of land have to be initiated. The acquisition of land generally takes quite a long time. Forecasting and planning of substation and selection of substation site needs to be done much in advance taking into account the normal period of acquisition of land. The acquision of land should not in any way disturb the commissioning of programme of sub-staion.
In MSETCL a land acquisition is carried out by the concerned Civil wing. The proposal for acquisition of land is submitted to the District Collector in case of Govt. Land and to the land.